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Publication Details

  Author(s): I. Katakis, G. Tsoumakas, I. Vlahavas.

Title: “Multilabel Text Classification for Automated Tag Suggestion”.

Availability: Click here to download the PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (9 pages).


Appeared in: Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD 2008 Discovery Challenge, Antwerp, 2008.

Abstract: The increased popularity of tagging during the last few years can be mainly attributed to its embracing by most of the recently thriving user-centric content publishing and management Web 2.0 applications. However, tagging systems have some limitations that have led researchers to develop methods that assist users in the tagging process, by automatiically suggesting an appropriate set of tags. We have tried to model the automated tag suggestion problem as a multilabel text classification task in order to participate in the ECML/PKDD 2008 Discovery Challenge.

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