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Publication Details

  Author(s): K. Trohidis, G. Tsoumakas, G. Kalliris, I. Vlahavas.

Title: “Multilabel Classification of Music into Emotions”.

Availability: Click here to download the PDF (Acrobat Reader) file (6 pages).


Appeared in: Proc. 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2008), pp. 325-330, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2008.

Abstract: In this paper, the automated detection of emotion in music is modeled as a multilabel classification task, where a piece of music may belong to more than one class. Four algorithms are evaluated and compared in this task. Furthermore, the predictive power of several audio features is evaluated using a new multilabel feature selection method. Experiments are conducted on a set of 593 songs with 6 clusters of music emotions based on the Tellegen-Watson-Clark model. Results provide interesting insights into the quality of the discussed algorithms and features.

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