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Publication Details

  Author(s): I. Partalas, I. Feneris, I. Vlahavas.

Title: “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning using Strategies and Voting”.


Keywords: multi-agent, reinforcement learning, voting.

Appeared in: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), (to be presented), IEEE, 2007.

Abstract: Multiagent learning attracts much attention in the past few years as it poses very challenging problems. Reinforcement Learning is an appealing solution to the problems that arise to Multi Agent Systems (MASs). This is due to the fact that Reinforcement Learning is a robust and well suited technique for learning in MASs. This paper proposes a multi-agent Reinforcement Learning approach, that uses coordinated actions, which we call strategies and a voting process that combines the decisions of the agents, in order to follow a strategy. We performed experiments to the predator-prey domain, comparing our approach with other multi-agent Reinforcement Learning techniques, getting promising results.

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