ECAI 2008 Workshop on
Mining Social Data

Welcome - Organization - Submission - Important Dates - Local Info - Program

The MSoDa programme committee invites submission of papers reporting original and previously unpublished results for the Technical Programme of MSoDa. Papers should be submitted electronically via email to BEFORE MAY 3 (submission of abstracts is not necessary).

Style Guide

The style for MSoDA papers is the same as the one used for ECAI-08. A description of the style can be found here. For Latex users the necessary files can be downloaded here. It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final camera-ready formatting style. Submissions must not exceed five pages in camera-ready format. Submissions of unformatted papers are limited to 6000 words including footnotes, figure captions, tables, appendices, and bibliography. Each half-page of figures will be counted as 600 words. (Please note that for some papers five camera-ready pages may be considerably less than 6000 words in practice.)


All submissions will be subjected to peer review by the MSoDa Program Committee.Review criteria include: relevance to MSoDa topics, originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of presentation. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the corresponding author by May 30, 2008.


The deadline for receipt of the camera-ready copy is June 10, 2008. Note that for each accepted paper, at least one author is required to register by the early registration date (May 30, 2008) and attend the workshop in order to present the paper. All workshop participants should register to the main conference (it is not possible to register to a workshop without registering to the main conference). Proof of registration fees payment should be provided together with the camera-ready version of the paper.


The workshop proceedings will be published and distributed on paper and as a CD-ROM. The authors will be responsible for producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the ECAI 2008 formatting guidelines, for inclusion in the proceedings.

Workshop authors will maintain the copyrights of their papers (thus, following the workshop, they will be allowed to publish their work to another conference or journal). All that is required is that the workshop authors sign a permission allowing the local organizers to include their paper in the workshop's proceedings.

Based on the volume of submissions, the proceedings may be published as an edited volume by IOS Press.

Selected papers of the workshop will be published at a special issue of the International Journal on Data Warehousing and Mining.